How It Works

  • 1. Registration

    First, you need to register with us. Create an account on Shopify with your school email address, then fill out our survey. We’ll asses your interests, values, and ask for some basic personal Information.

  • 2. Rounds

    Then, we’ll set up date nights that we call “rounds”. We’ll let you know when each round is happening. If you want to participate in a round, all you need to do is log in, tell us you want to participate, then we’ll send you on a date that night.

  • 3. Pairings

    When the round starts, we’ll use hand-designed algorithm to pair you with other people, matching you with others that have similar values and interests.

  • 4. Talking to your Pairings

    After we make your pairing, we’ll set up an anonymous chat between you and your pairing. This will be a time-limited chat - it will disappear after 30 minutes. 

  • 5. Meeting with your Pairings

    In those 30 minutes, you need to discuss with your pairing and decide where you want to meet. We *strongly* encourage you to meet at a public, on-campus location. You can still go do off-campus activities, but just meet on-campus. Do not feel compelled to meet off-campus if you do not want to.

  • 6. The Date

    After meeting with your pairing, the rest is up to you! We won’t connect or match you with your pairing again, so make sure to share socials/numbers on your date if you want a follow up! We’re cheering for you!