Our Team

Meet Jack!
He's in his sophomore year and transferred to Vanderbilt from Columbia after his freshman year. He's from Bogart, Georgia, and is majoring in Physics and CSET. You can find him on instagram @jackarmstrong62.

Meet Luke!
He's from Birmingham, Alabama, and is majoring in computer science. He's a junior.
Wait, that's it?
Of course not! Our team has 4 other members, but we have elected to keep their identities private since to maintain the integrity of our matching system and keep your data private. Jack has a valuable role on the team, but he will never see your raw data, so we felt comfortable sharing his name! In the future, we'll share more information about out team, but for now, here's a few things we can share!
More About Our Team
Including Jack and Luke, our team has 6 members. Two of us are juniors and four of us are sophomores. Our majors include Biochemistry, Cognitive Studies, Computer Science, CSET, Economics, Neuroscience, and Physics. We come from places both near and far from Vanderbilt. Most importantly, we're all passionate about helping the dating culture at Vandy!